
Loans and credit cards are essential financial tools for many individuals and businesses. However, obtaining these financial facilities requires sufficient guarantees from customers. In this article, we will present a legal study derived from a real case concerning the absence of sufficient financial guarantees and its impact on financial matters. 

Legal Context

In this case, the court is dealing with the issue of inadequate financial guarantees for a customer who applied for a personal loan and a credit card. According to Article 121 of Federal Decree-Law No. 23 of 2022, licensed financial institutions are required to obtain sufficient financial guarantees before granting financial facilities. 

Case Details

The defendant was granted a personal loan, a credit card, and overdraft facilities by the bank. However, when she was unable to repay the borrowed amounts, the bank decided to take legal action against her. Ultimately, the court issued a judgment stating that the bank’s lawsuit should not be accepted. 

Impact of the Judgment

The primary impact of this judgment lies in its affirmation of the importance of providing sufficient financial guarantees to financial institutions when applying for loans and credit cards. If these guarantees are not available, financial lawsuits may be rejected, leading to significant legal consequences for individuals and companies. 

Importance of Financial Guarantees:

  1. Repayment Assurance: Financial guarantees assist financial institutions in ensuring the recovery of borrowed amounts, reducing financial loss risks. 
  2. Building Trust: Financial guarantees enhance trust between customers and banks/financial institutions, encouraging financial transactions. 
  3. Legal Protection: Financial guarantees provide legal protection for involved parties in case of non-compliance with financial obligations. 

Expert Opinions

Amira Saqr, Litigation Lawyer: According to Amira Saqr, an expert in litigation, “The legal scenario dealt with in this case underscores the importance of financial guarantees in financial transactions. The absence of these guarantees can lead to legal complexities and a loss of trust between parties.” 

Ahmed Saber, Head of Litigation Department: “According to Ahmed Saber, the Head of the Litigation Department, ‘This judicial decision highlights the significance of complying with financial regulations and rules. The experience from this case demonstrates that financial guarantees play a pivotal role in providing protection for the involved parties and ensuring integrity in financial relationships.


This legal case illustrates the significance of adhering to financial regulations and rules when dealing with banks and financial institutions. It makes us realize that financial guarantees play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of financial transactions and providing protection for the parties involved. Customers and companies must comply with financial guarantee requirements to avoid legal issues in the future. 

Given the paramount importance of financial guarantees in loan and credit card transactions, it is imperative for everyone to be aware of the regulations and rules governing this aspect. This enables individuals and companies to utilize financial services securely and efficiently while maintaining integrity and trust in financial relationships.