
Medical liability issues are among the most complex legal and medical issues, where the judiciary, lawyers, and doctors face significant challenges in determining responsibility and assessing appropriate compensation for the affected individuals. In this article, we will present a real legal case that raises numerous questions about medical liability and the legal and medical aspects associated with it. We will analyze the case details, evidence presented, and judicial decisions, shedding light on the challenges faced by the parties involved in such cases

The Beginning: Patient's Ambition

A patient decided to undergo cosmetic surgery, hoping to enhance her appearance and boost her self-confidence. After thorough research and selecting a reputable hospital, the young woman opted for the surgery. 

The Tragedy Catastrophic Medical Error

However, what the patient hoped would be a happy day soon turned into a tragedy. After the surgery, signs of her health deteriorating began to emerge. The skin that had been altered during the surgery began to deteriorate and deform, and matters quickly worsened as she developed severe complications. 

“The skin was burning and turned black, spreading over a wide area on the skin’s surface, starting from the surgical site and extending above the navel. On this damaged skin, there was evident deformity in its shape, and small white spots appeared, indicating the onset of a severe skin infection.” 

It was more than just a change in appearance; it was deep suffering. When she contacted the second defendant’s secretary in the case, she was advised to apply sugar to these skin lesions. However, the situation quickly deteriorated. The inflammation increased, and the affected area expanded, eventually leading to open skin and tissue damage. Eventually, a deep pit formed on the right side of her abdomen, and another on the left side, resulting in painful skin sloughing, in addition to her inability to work and perform her duties towards her family, future damages including the need for further surgery to correct the affected area’s burns and scars, and psychological damages manifested in her feelings of sadness, anxiety, grief, and sorrow. 

Evidence and Medical Reports 

Multiple medical reports were submitted confirming a medical error during the surgery. Among these reports were ones that demonstrated negligence on the part of the treating doctor and their failure to follow accepted medical standards. 

Financial Claims and Compensation

The patient filed a financial compensation claim of AED 2,000,000, citing the physical and psychological damages she had suffered. After reviewing all the evidence and medical reports, the court ruled in her favor, stating that she deserved this compensation. 

Implications and Legal Significance

This verdict underscores the importance of doctors adhering to the highest medical and ethical standards. It highlights how minor medical errors can lead to serious repercussions in a patient’s life. The judgment emphasizes patients’ rights and their legal protection in cases of medical negligence. 

Expert Opinions

Amira Saqer – Litigating Attorney  Amira Saqer, a litigating attorney, pointed out that this case highlights the importance of delivering justice to patients who suffer from medical errors. She emphasized that doctors must adhere to the highest healthcare standards and ensure patient safety at all times. 

Ahmed Saber – Head of Litigation Department Ahmed Saber, the head of the litigation department, expressed his concern about medical errors occurring in cosmetic surgeries. He stressed the importance of enforcing strict laws and regulations regarding medical liability. He believes that this judgment should serve as a signal for improving healthcare standards in this field. 


In an era witnessing remarkable advancements in cosmetic surgery, the medical community and healthcare facilities must take full responsibility for their patients. The Dubai Court of Cassation’s judgment highlights the importance of good healthcare and adherence to the highest medical standards. This judgment is not the last but should serve as a lesson for doctors and healthcare facilities to improve their practices and ensure the safety and happiness of patients in the future.