
In the era of rapid communication and widespread information exchange, the crime of disclosing secrets has become both common and sensitive. This crime involves numerous legal and ethical complexities, particularly when it concerns information related to work or intellectual property. In this article, we will delve into the details of the crime of disclosing secrets and the challenges it faces in the United Arab Emirates. We will also examine the role of laws in deterring this crime.

Disclosure of Secrets: Playing with Fire

Before delving into the intricacies of this complex crime, it is essential to carefully examine Article 432 of the Penal Code. This article explicitly outlines the penalties awaiting those who commit this crime. These penalties include imprisonment for no less than one year, a fine of no less than twenty thousand dirhams, or one of these penalties. This means that anyone who breaches the confidentiality of information can be held accountable, regardless of their profession or status.

Expert Opinions:

Amira Saqr, a practicing lawyer and intellectual property expert, emphasizes the importance of UAE laws in protecting confidentiality and human rights. She believes that these laws strike a balance between freedom of expression and security.

Ahmed Saber, Head of the Litigation Department, points out that the challenges related to the crime of disclosing secrets require a thorough investigation based on evidence. He believes that the proper application of laws contributes to achieving justice and safeguarding rights.

The Shield of Work and Information Protection

It appears that the legislator has intensified penalties, particularly concerning public sector employees or those entrusted with public service. This reflects the gravity of the information they deal with daily. What are these secrets deserving of such protection? What are the penalties that individuals who breach this shield may face?

How to Initiate a Criminal Lawsuit

Before a criminal lawsuit is initiated in this crime, there are two conditions that must be taken into account. First, the employee must have accessed the information in question in connection with their job. Second, there must be a personal benefit for the employee or another person as a result of using that information. If these two conditions are met, a criminal lawsuit can be pursued.

Conclusion: Protecting Secrets and Security in the Workplace

In conclusion, the importance of protecting secrets in the workplace cannot be overstated. It is not merely a fleeting crime; it threatens the integrity of information and the trust of individuals. Therefore, we must scrutinize this crime and work on enhancing awareness, all while preserving the confidentiality and security of information in the world of work.