
Human cloning has been one of the most debated issues worldwide in recent decades. It involves technology that enables humans to create identical copies of individuals using human cells and tissues. Despite significant scientific advancements in this field, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken stringent measures to prevent and criminalize these operations to preserve human nature and align with Islamic values and principles. 

The Concept of Human Cloning:

Human cloning is the process of replicating human beings by transferring the genetic material from a human cell to an extracted egg cell, resulting in the birth of a fetus identical to the individual from whom the nucleus was taken. 

UAE Legislation against Human Cloning:

The UAE has shown great concern in preventing and criminalizing human cloning due to the threats it poses to society and humanity. Explicit legal texts have been included to prohibit and criminalize these operations. The UAE also participated in drafting an Arab convention to prevent human cloning in 2015. 

Objectives of Preventing Human Cloning:

The legislative efforts in the UAE to prevent human cloning aim to preserve human species and prevent the birth of deformed or unhealthy fetuses. This type of cloning is inconsistent with Islamic values and principles that emphasize marriage and diversity within humanity. 

Expert Opinions:

Ahmed Saber – Head of the Judiciary Department: 

Ahmed Saber, the Head of the Judiciary Department, expresses his opinion in this context, saying, “Human cloning operations pose a significant challenge to the judiciary and legislation in the UAE. It is essential that we strictly prohibit these operations to preserve human nature and adhere to Islamic ethics. Humanity must remain at the center of every technological development, and we must take strict legal measures to prevent any breaches in this regard.” 

Nada Al-Mawwi – Head of the Consultation Department: 

Nada Al-Mawwi, Head of the Consultation Department, shares her perspective, stating, “We need to strike a balance between scientific progress and preserving Islamic values and ethics. The UAE always seeks to achieve progress and innovation, but we must establish laws that protect humanity and regulate the use of modern technology. We can achieve this balance through discussion and collaboration between legal authorities, scientists, and relevant stakeholders.


The wise legislation in the UAE regarding the prevention of human cloning demonstrates a clear commitment to preserving human nature and Islamic values. The measures aimed at preventing these operations reaffirm the Islamic principle that “He created you from one soul” and emphasize diversity and marriage within humanity. These laws represent a crucial step in preserving human nature and Islamic values in the UAE.