Review of Judicial Judgments

إمكانية الرجوع في الأحكام القضائية: المادة 187 من القانون الاتحادي

Introduction The judicial system plays a pivotal role in achieving justice and maintaining public order. In this context, the Court of Cassation is considered one of the highest judicial bodies, and its rulings are mostly final and binding. However, there are exceptions that allow for the review of these judgments.  Legal Basis for Reviewing Judgments […]

Distinguishing between challenging for forgery and asserting denial and ignorance EN

التمييز بين الطعن بالتزوير والدفع بالإنكار والجهالة

Introduction In the world of law, distinguishing between challenging a document for forgery and asserting denial or ignorance is a crucial matter that raises many questions, especially in disputes related to documents and contracts. This distinction arises from the fundamental differences between these legal procedures, as well as the procedures followed and the burden of […]

Procedural Legitimacy Legal Procedures EN

أهمية شرعية الإجراءات القانونية في الحفاظ على العدالة وحقوق الأفراد

Introduction In the world of law and justice, the procedural legitimacy principle is considered fundamental to ensuring justice. This article discusses the definition of this principle and its importance in the legal system, and how it contributes to the protection of individual rights and the preservation of the public order.  Procedural Legitimacy as a Legal […]

Court of Cassation and Legal Amendments

دور محكمة التمييز وتأثير التعديلات القانونية على العدالة القضائية

Introduction  In the realm of law, the Court of Cassation is a supreme judicial authority that plays a pivotal role in upholding justice and ensuring the proper conduct of legal proceedings. This role has been underscored by recent amendments to civil procedure law, which have introduced the possibility of appealing judgments issued by this court […]

الإستنساخ البشري في التشريع الإماراتي

الإستنساخ البشري في التشريع الإماراتي

Introduction Human cloning has been one of the most debated issues worldwide in recent decades. It involves technology that enables humans to create identical copies of individuals using human cells and tissues. Despite significant scientific advancements in this field, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has taken stringent measures to prevent and criminalize these operations to […]

Doctor's responsibility in circumcision procedures EN

حكم محكمة التمييز بدبي حول مسؤولية الطبيب في عمليات الختان

Introduction On April 10, 2004, the Dubai Court of Cassation issued a significant judicial ruling in appeals numbered 2003/106 and 2003/108, both of which were filed during the statutory period and met all formal requirements. The facts of the case involve a lawsuit brought by a parent against a medical clinic and a physician regarding […]

Compensation for Medical Malpractice EN (1)

التحليل القانوني والطبي لقضايا الأخطاء الطبية

Introduction Medical errors are issues that spark controversy in both legal and medical circles. Patients often find themselves in a struggle between their right to proper medical care and the potential consequences of errors that can seriously affect their health. In this context, a ruling by the Dubai Court of Cassation dated 18-07-2019 comes to […]