
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is considered one of the leading destinations in the world for investments and business activities. To enhance this role and provide a safe and stable business environment, the UAE government issued Federal Commercial Transactions Law No. 50 of 2022, which deals with the concept of commercial mortgages. This law is a significant legal solution for regulating and developing commercial relationships in the country. 

Commercial Mortgages: Security and Debt Loop

Commercial mortgages are a legal concept that deals with the use of movable property as security for commercial debts. This type of mortgage provides important guarantees for parties in commercial contracts. It allows the creditor to obtain security for debt repayment, while enabling the debtor to access essential financing for their business operations. 

Commercial Laws: Cornerstone of Party Confidence

The Federal Commercial Transactions Law in the UAE aims to promote trust and protection between parties in commercial contracts. The law strictly regulates the rights and obligations of parties in commercial mortgage contracts, contributing to a fair balance between debt and security. 

Commercial Mortgages and Business Rescue in the UAE

In cases of debt and financial crises, commercial mortgages can be used to rescue businesses from collapsing. When a debtor finds themselves in a financial predicament, they can use the mortgaged properties to obtain the necessary funding to repay debts or restructure their business. 

From Property Sale to Seizure: Commercial Mortgage Procedures in the UAE

To enforce commercial mortgages in the UAE, precise laws and procedures govern the sale and seizure of mortgaged properties in case of non-payment of debts. This procedure aims to protect the rights of creditors and achieve a balance between parties. 

Expert Opinions

Amira Saqr, a litigation lawyer, stated: “The Federal Commercial Transactions Law in the UAE reflects the government’s wise vision for regulating commercial relationships and ensuring their fair and just conduct. Commercial mortgages enhance trust between parties and provide investors and businessmen with reliable mechanisms for protection and guidance.” 

Ahmed Saber, Head of Litigation Department, added: “Commercial mortgages are a powerful tool in cases of debt and financial crises, where both debtors and creditors can resort to them to rescue businesses and settle debts fairly. The law provides precise and transparent procedures to facilitate the execution of this type of mortgage.

In Conclusion

Federal Commercial Transactions Law No. 50 of 2022 in the UAE reflects the country’s commitment to developing the business environment and providing the necessary guarantees to promote investment and economic growth. This topic is of interest and importance to individuals and companies engaged in business activities in the UAE, as commercial mortgages contribute to economic stability and the success of businesses in this dynamic environment.