The world unites against crime

Buyer’s Rights in Changing Real Estate Unit Size

Introduction Many property buyers and real estate developers face various challenges during the buying and construction processes. One of these challenges is changing the size of a real estate unit after the purchase process is completed, raising questions about the rights of the buyer and the real estate developer. In this article, we will take […]

The world unites against crime EN

Criminal Responsibility of Individuals in International Criminal Justice

Introduction International criminal justice is one of the fundamental aspects of international law, aiming to achieve justice and prosecute individuals who commit crimes that threaten global peace and security. This branch of law reflects the evolution of the international community and the efforts made to combat criminal offenses on both national and international levels.  Criminal […]

Convert Your Sole Proprietorship to a Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Can a Sole Proprietorship be Converted into a Limited Liability Company (LLC)?

Introduction Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to convert your sole proprietorship into a Limited Liability Company (LLC)? This question piques the interest of many business owners and small to medium-sized enterprise operators. Changing the legal structure of a company has significant implications for both legal and financial responsibilities of business owners.   In […]

Mut'a Alimony and Wife's Rights- A Current Legal Study

Understanding Wife’s Rights Regarding Mut’a Alimony

Introduction Mut’a alimony is a complex legal issue that sparks much debate and significantly impacts separated couples. In this article, we shed light on the Dubai Court decision in case No. 175/2023 concerning Mut’a alimony. We will delve into the details of this decision and expert opinions on it.  Mut’a Alimony and the Law According […]

Financial Guarantees

The Importance of Financial Guarantees in Loans and Credit Card Transactions

Introduction Loans and credit cards are essential financial tools for many individuals and businesses. However, obtaining these financial facilities requires sufficient guarantees from customers. In this article, we will present a legal study derived from a real case concerning the absence of sufficient financial guarantees and its impact on financial matters.  Legal Context In this […]

Unemployment Insurance EN

Unemployment Insurance

Introduction In today’s world of work, we all know that life is full of surprises. Anything can happen, and one of those surprises can be losing your job. Losing your job can be a financially and emotionally distressing experience. Fortunately, in the United Arab Emirates, there is a system in place that aims to protect […]

Unveiling the Crime of Disclosure of Secrets in the UAE: Legal Insights

The Crime of Disclosure of Secrets in Light of Laws in the UAE

Introduction In the era of rapid communication and widespread information exchange, the crime of disclosing secrets has become both common and sensitive. This crime involves numerous legal and ethical complexities, particularly when it concerns information related to work or intellectual property. In this article, we will delve into the details of the crime of disclosing […]

How Does the UAE Safeguard Freedom of Expression

How Does the UAE Safeguard Freedom of Expression?

Introduction Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental human rights and serves as the cornerstone upon which free and advanced societies are built. It ensures that every individual has the right to freely express their opinions and thoughts, playing a pivotal role in shaping diverse and beneficial perspectives within a community. In this article, […]