An oath to Uncover Truth EN

Importance and Types of Oaths in the Law

Introduction Swearing an oath is one of the official means used in the law to document beliefs and confirm evidence. It’s a formal moment representing security and legal commitment, where a person commits to performing this act to document the truth of what they say and adhere to the truth. In this article, we will […]

Compensation for Medical Malpractice EN (1)

Legal and Medical Analysis of Medical Errors Cases

Introduction Medical errors are issues that spark controversy in both legal and medical circles. Patients often find themselves in a struggle between their right to proper medical care and the potential consequences of errors that can seriously affect their health. In this context, a ruling by the Dubai Court of Cassation dated 18-07-2019 comes to […]

The Impact of Serious Medical Errors EN (1)

Medical Liability Case in Eye Surgeries

Introduction In light of the advancements in medical sciences and surgical technologies, medical errors have emerged as a significant challenge threatening the safety of patients and exposing them to the risk of permanent injuries or serious complications. In this context, case number 2018/423, heard by the Dubai Court of Cassation, sheds light on a medical […]

Doctor's Responsibility in Cases of Fetal Deformities Search Engine EN

Doctor’s Responsibility for Fetal Deformities: Interpretation of the Dubai Court of Cassation’s Ruling

Doctor’s Responsibility for Fetal Deformities: Interpretation of the Dubai Court of Cassation Ruling In the realm of medicine, pregnancy and childbirth are among the most complex and delicate matters, where medical errors can have serious repercussions on both the mother and the fetus. In this context, it is crucial to understand the responsibilities of doctors, […]

Doctors' Responsibility in Cosmetic Surgery EN

Legal Analysis of Doctors’ Responsibility in Cosmetic Surgery in Dubai

Introduction Medical liability issues are among the most complex legal and medical issues, where the judiciary, lawyers, and doctors face significant challenges in determining responsibility and assessing appropriate compensation for the affected individuals. In this article, we will present a real legal case that raises numerous questions about medical liability and the legal and medical […]

The Difference Between Preservation and Dismissal of a Criminal Lawsuit

The Difference Between Preservation and Dismissal of a Criminal Lawsuit

Introduction In the legal framework of criminal law, there are two important terms that can sometimes be confusing: “preservation ” and “dismissal” of a criminal lawsuit. We will explain these terms simply to better understand them. What is preservation? Preservation is an administrative decision issued by the public prosecution based on an evidentiary record. It […]